Terms of Use for the Kan Internet Website | The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation


The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (heretofore: “The Corporation”) is proud to present its website (heretofore: “The Website”). Aa an integral part of its general operations, the Corporation has made the use of the Website and its content available to users (heretofore: “The Service”), subject to the terms of service as defined here within and subject to any changes that may be added to the terms of use in the future.  The proposed service includes: Content such as news stories and reports, reviews, data, features, announcements and messages, headlines and internal news, publication of tenders, copies of forms, music broadcasts, audio broadcasts and live video, prerecorded television and radio programs, podcasts and more. The service is provided in the form of text, photos, audio, video and so forth.

This set of terms supplements the other designated terms that appear on the subsites of the main website www.kan.org.il. In case of any contradiction between these terms of use and the said specific terms of use, the terms defined in the specific terms will take precedence over these general terms in all aspects connected to services offered.

We request that you read these Terms of Use carefully and ask you to confirm your compliance with the Terms of Use for the site.

Intellectual Property

1. The content on the website is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights of the Corporation or third parties and in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, international treaties, copyright laws of other countries and agreements between the Corporation and other third parties.

2. Copyrights include texts, photographs, illustrations, voice files, audio files, graphics, computer software on the user website, computer code, software applications and so forth.
In accordance with copyright laws of the performers and broadcasters, it is forbidden to copy, reproduce, alter, distribute, broadcast, present in public or in a public place or to an audience, perform, publicize, license to a third party, create work derived or transmitted, temporarily or permanently, any or all content on the Website, including all of the voice and /or audio and /or video files via any form or means, be it electronic or technical, without the advance and written consent of the Corporation.  Any such actions may infringe upon the rights of the Corporation or rights of third parties.

3. You are permitted to make “fair use” of Website content only, non-inclusive of commercial purposes and in accordance with the terms set by law.

4. If you upload and publicize any content on the Website, you are thereby declaring that you own the rights to said content (including ethical rights), and you are granting the Corporation the license to use the content free of charge for an unlimited period of time, to copy, distribute, broadcast, transfer to a third party, present in public, perform in public , publicize, reproduce, license, to create secondary works, sell or lease the content and make use of it entirely, or in part, based upon the sole discretion of the Corporation, without any limitation, for all media, and without payment of royalties in the present or future. You are also declaring that you received the consent of all third parties who may share the rights to the material you passed on to the Corporation and grant the rights of use to the Corporation as defined in this clause. The stipulations noted in this clause notwithstanding, with regard to materials listed in the following organizations: ACUM, Tali Rights, the Israeli Federation, the P.I.L. Federation, Eilam, Eshkolot, and Shaham will be paid royalties in accordance with the Corporation’s agreements with said organizations, if all of the identifying details are submitted in full. Material that is not registered or for which full details were not submitted will not receive any royalties whatsoever.

The Corporation is authorized to remove materials that you uploaded if they are found to be in violation of the rights of a third party. To dispel any doubt, the Corporation will not assume responsibility and /or expenses incurred by materials that you have uploaded.

5. The content on the Website is offered to the public “as is.”

6. The Corporation retains the right to change these Terms of Use and it remains your full responsibility to review the terms as they are updated from time to time. Continued use of the Website marks your consent to all of the terms in these Terms of Use.

7. The Corporation does not guarantee and cannot guarantee that the content presented on the Website is free of mistakes and inaccuracies or is insusceptible to failures, impairment, mishaps, malicious software or viruses.

8. The Corporation does not assume liability for any mistakes or errors in the content or information presented on the Website, or for changes made in the content or information presented by you or by a third party on the Website.

9. You assume sole responsibility for the manner in which you use the content on the Website.

10. The Corporation will not assume liability for any damage, loss, expense or monetary loss caused to you by a third party of any sort as a direct or indirect result of Website use, including damage and /or loss of content and information following use of software applications that were directly downloaded via tools on the Website and /or were activated as a result of Website use.
In this regard, the “Corporation” refers to its employees, representatives and all persons employed by the Corporation.

Links to Other Websites

11. You may be able to access third party content and services that are not included on the Website. Those services and content, supplied by third parties, are not subject to our liability, even if we provide the hyperlinks. The subsequent instructions apply to the use of those hyperlinks and do not detract from the instructions of the Terms of Use.

12. With regard to hyperlinks for external sites that do not belong to or are operated by the Corporation (third-party sites): Unless otherwise specifically noted on the Website, there are no legal or commercial ties between the Corporation and the owners of the third-party sites. The Corporation has no control over or rights to the content presented on those sites; the Corporation is not responsible for their content or supervision. The Corporation is not able to determine the level of reliability, security, preciseness, completeness or updated status of the content on third-party sites.

13. Hyperlinks to third-party sites should not be considered as a mark of approval, confirmation, recommendation or preference made by the Corporation for those linked sites, including documents, information and all other content found on those sites, by site operations, or products and services presented on said sites.

14. The Corporation will not assume liability for any damage, loss, expense or monetary loss that you or any third party may incur by direct or indirect use of the hyperlinks found on the Website or as a result of use of the content reached via said hyperlinks.

Illegal and Forbidden Use

15. It is strictly forbidden to use the Website and its content for any illegal purpose or any purpose prohibited by these Terms of Use. You are prohibited from using the Website in any manner that may harm the Website or interfere with the use of another party.

16. You are not permitted to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, services, content, computer systems or connected networks by hacking, password mining or any other method. You are not permitted to attain or to try to attain services or information of any sort via means that were not made available to you specifically by the Corporation.

17. The Corporation may use its sole discretion to suspend or to block, temporarily or perpetually, your access to Website content in case of breach of the law or these terms of use for this Website, or if a disturbance of any type arises that may disrupt the proper operation of the Website or computer system of the Corporation, or infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the Corporation or other party. Any complaint or demand made by you against the Corporation will have no justification in this case, as specified.

Website Changes and Termination of Service

18. The Corporation reserves the right to initiate changes from time to time of the Website structure, its design and style, the scope and accessibility of the services as well as any other modifications regarding the Website, and is not obligated to provide advance notice of said changes. These modifications will be conducted, inter alia, in response to the dynamic quality of the internet and technological and other changes that evolve. Inherently, these type of changes may cause some inconvenience or malfunction.

19. The Corporation does not guarantee that the services offered on the Website will be free of loss, interruption, interference or failures. The user will have no complaint, claim or demand against the Corporation for conducting said changes and /or as a result of ensuing problems or failures.

20. Without limiting the aforesaid, the Corporation reserves the right to cease service on this Website at any time, either in part or in its entirety.

Legal Jurisdiction

21. The Website user is bound solely by the laws of the State of Israel and the legal jurisdiction for all claims will be in the authorized courthouses located in Jerusalem only.

Gender-inclusive language

22. The Terms of Use are intended for both male and female users alike.

Contact Us

23. The Corporation does hereby declare that it meticulously upholds the rules and regulations of the law and respects the rights of Website users to maintain privacy and a good name.

24. If you, the Website user, feel that content posted on the Website offends you in any manner and /or if you have any problem with the content presented on the Website and /or issues with services provided, please contact us in accordance with the details listed below and we will try and respond to your claim promptly. Claims can be forwarded to the Corporation’s Ombudsman at this email address: kvilot@kan.org.il

25. If you wish to make use of any content publicized on the Website in a manner that does not comply with these Terms of Use,  please contact the Marketing Department of the Corporation at this email address: info@ipbc.org.il