בלי נייר שנמס בפה: טראמפ מחזיר את הקשיות מפלסטיק
מחכה לו: דיצה אור מציינת יום הולדת 32 לבנה אבינתן שבשבי
אנונימי לגמרי: בעקבות הסרט החדש על בוב דילן
ילדים עבריים עם מבטא ספרדי: איך הגננות החיו את השפה?
תפגשו אותו בחלקה 10: רפאל נשבע לחיות כדי להנציח את בנו
אנונימי לגמרי: בעקבות הסרט החדש על בוב דילן
שלמה נחטף, אשתו הצליחה לברוח: הסיפור של הזוג מנצור
שירגישו שוב כמו בית: המתנדבים שמשקמים את יישובי הצפון

SUPERNOVA - The Music Festival Massacre
On the morning of Saturday, October 7th, 2023, thousands of young Israelis, were dancing in the desert at a major international trance-music festival. When they heard the first sounds of the sirens and noticed rockets flying towards them across the sky, the music stopped and the loudspeaker announced a rocket attack from Gaza. At that moment, dozens of terrorists on motorcycles drove into the crowd while militants on hang gliders cut the sky. As the first gunshots were red, thousands fled for their lives across the barren lands, but they had no chance. The festival was held a few kilometers from the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip in a wide open area with no hiding places. The terrorists surrounded them, blocking the roads, ambushing escaping cars, grabbing hostages, and leading them violently and triumphantly into Gaza.
This was the most significant terrorist attack in Israel's history, shocking the world with its extremely graphically violent images. The horrific scenes of hundreds of Hamas terrorists breaking through the border, fully armed, riding ISIS-like pickup trucks and motorcycles through the desert and in the streets, slaughtering, burning, raping, and kidnapping free-minded young people who came to celebrate life, echoed the Bataclan massacre and the 9/11 attacks, symbolizing the clash of civilizations. At the same time, a few kilometers away, in a savage attack by Hamas militants on a few kibbutzim and towns, hundreds of civilians were murdered, including babies and elderly people shot at gunpoint. The horrific images published by Hamas on social media, showing these atrocities, brought back to Israelis the horrors of the Holocaust and the helplessness felt in front of the Nazi murderous machine. It shattered the sense of security that Israelis believed they had built for themselves
Directors: Yossi Bloch, Duki Dror
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